Issue 3


October 1994. Editor: Anjum Katyal

Is children's theatre a significant enough area of theatre in our country today to warrant an entire issue devoted to it? This question is bound to strike many readers as they notice the focus of this third issue, especially since theatre for young audiences is widely dismissed as 'entertainment' featuring simplistic fantasy along the lines of witches, fairies, and princes who marry princesses to live happily ever after.

Even if one regards theatre for young audiences as 'just' entertainment, what is the quality of that entertainment? What are the semiotics of that entertainment? What are our children absorbing by way of messages, ideas, values as they watch it, and what expectations or attitudes are they forming about theatre in general? Will they then continue to identify the theatre-going experience with light entertainment, escapism and easy fantasy, resisting, as adults, the more challenging, demanding interaction with theatre that makes a good audience? These questions seem important in the light of a growing unease, amongst those who value serious theatre, over the dwindling audience it commands.
The Theatre Academy Grips Project: A Report
Dr Mohan Agashe

A 'Gripping' Experience
Dr. Mandar Paranjpe

'For us the Kids were a Suppressed Class and we Fought for that Class'
Volker Ludwig

From the Outside, Looking In
Vinay Sharma

The Importance of theory

A Director at work
Prasad Gadkari

From curiosity to commitment
Shrirang Godbole

Why Grips?
Oisika Chakrabarti, Biren Das Sharma

Of Funny Giants and Talking Sparrows: Children's Theatre in Marathi
Dr. Shubhade Shelke

No Compromises
Pratibha and Ratnakar Matkari

Lucky Dhaku: A Play in One Act
Ratnakar Matkari

'....And then the Prince called a taxi and left the palace with the princess...'
Jhuma Basak, Biren Das Sharma

Theatre for and by Children in Karnataka
Children's Theatre in the Bangalore Area
Chandra Jain

Children's Theatre In Marathi
Pratibha and Ratnakar Matkari

Children's Theatre and Ninasam
K.V. Akshara

Letter from America
Lou Furman

Theatre Log
Pinocchio: An Ensemble Production
Vasanthi Sankaranarayanan

Sixteenth Interschool Drama Competition, Calcutta
Neena Guha



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