Issue 13


March 1997. Editor: Anjum Katyal

As STQ enters its fourth year, we find ourselves searching for different ways of writing about, documenting, discussing, theatre and performance: other modes of expression and communication. What could these be? What can convey the complex of risk, exploration, uncertainty, discovery, conviction, passion, excitement, partnership, teamwork, connectedness and introspection, that makes up a life in and of theatre.

The visual, for one. Communication through the visual as a vital component, complementing words. Or even confronting them. Or refuting them. At the moment, the visual image is still a marginalized aspect of most theatre documentation or analysis: even when there is access to photography, for example, this medium is utilized in the most utilitarian of ways. We are making a conscious effort to 'think visually' when we document process or performance.
From Hongkong to India Mediating between cultures 
A process to performance account of the creation of a play 
Paramita Banerjee

'I am ready to perform for just one person'
Interview with Mok Chiu Yu

Waiting for the Bald Soprano 
Some reflections on the recent Kannada theatre
Dr B.K. Banker

Murder in the Cathedral: Browne to Bansi 
A look at two productions 
Uma Narain

Darpana For Development : Performance And Change 
The Darpana Outreach Programme: Performance,Education and Change 
Dr Ralph Yarrow

Keeping chilli powder out of their eyes 
Betty Bernhard

A brief look at theatre in Kenya 
Swapna Guha

Theatre Log
Ou vas-tu Jeremy? by Magic Lantern
Vasanthi Sankaranarayanan

Search: A Seminar on the Future of Alternative Theatre 
Bansi Bhattacharya, Paramita Banerjee


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