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Ownership. Every thought. Every memory. Every emotion has a landowner. Things that ‘happened’. Are meant to belong. To you. Or to me. Like a privilege acquired at birth. A litany made up of ‘this is mine, yours, ours’. Often it is nations that appropriate entire histories. Lives. Other nations. People. Writing and the re-writing of things that later become our truth. Yours and mine. Living under the heel of collective ownership can be crippling. To say the least.
How does one free the ‘event’ of one’s life from the clutches of a possessive, even dictatorial, memory, and turn it into a literature of resistance?
A network of educators and members of civil society in the subcontinent, the History for Peace project serves as a platform for discussion, debate and the exchange of ideas pertaining to teaching and learning of history for peace and understanding. The website also acts as a repository of resources—academic papers, talks, podcasts and teaching aids. History for Peace conducts an annual conference as well as shorter talks and workshops through the year.
Objectives :
Teaching and Learning history for peace and understanding by:
• Exploring multi and inter disciplinary and creative approaches, with emphasis on the arts
• Developing and collating resources
• Addressing bias and prejudice
• Promoting initiatives and exchange of ideas across South Asia
• Teacher development