Issue 32/33. January – June 2002
Author: meghsmal
Issue 34 / 35
Issue 34/35. July – December 2002
Issue 36 / 37
Issue 36/37. January – June 2003
Issue 38
Issue 38. 2003 Theatre and Education Editorial: Anjum Katyal Guest Editor: Vikram Iyengar
More often than not, the universal panacea suggested/ offered for any of the ailments which stem from a deep (though sometimes dormant) distrust (at best) to blinding animosity (at worst) takes some form of 'awareness campaigns', a nebulous idea which could, in practice, range from a political leader making placatory speeches at places of worship, to a march of some sort, to the some what quieter alternatives of niche publishing, dissemination of material or working in and with communities. All these have their validity, but is it not time that we examined what it is in us (or rather, what it is that we lack in ourselves) that allows these situations to develop? Could we, perhaps, trace it back to the absence of any true system of holistic education that is essentially humanizing, that makes both teaching and learning 'a physical, emotional and sensuous experience'? Could we also suggest that this has its source in a certain unwillingness in the powers that be (whether educationists, education boards, school authorities, teachers, parents or indeed, students themselves) to tackle delicate and problematic issues in a proactive and creative way, or even to keep these issues in mind in the course of teaching related or even overtly unrelated topics?
Contents 2 editorial. VIKRAM IYENGAR 8 a very magical space AN INTERVIEW WITH BARRY JOHN 16 the excitement of discovery AN INTERVIEW WITH JOHN MASON 24 child’s play: a playscript ABHIJIT SIRCAR 34 a space of togetherness AN INTERVIEW WITH MOLOYASHREE HASHMI 42 a self-learning process AN INTERVIEW WITH ASHISH GHOSH 59 education for life AN INTERVIEW WITH CHANDRA JAIN 73 not just a structured art form AN INTERVIEW WITH AMBIKA KAMESHWAR 84 the word special is central here VIKRAM IYENGAR ON PRITI PATEL AND THE ACTION PLAYERS